December 2016

Once again, it was another record setting year at Mystery Room Mastering. Thanks to all the clients, bands, artists, and friends that keep me busy day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year.

December ended up being one of the busiest months of the year despite a little extra downtime for family and holiday gatherings. Mastering projects include Redshift Headlights, Can Skylark (South Africa), Super Jump, Sam Turner & the Cactus Cats, Schreng Schreng & LaLa (Germany), Life In A Tree, Lazer LloydPhat PhunktionDope Calypso (Italy), Pablo Fantastico, White Shape, Seasonal Temps, The Zach Pietrini BandSara and Kenny, The Rumskis, and lots of audio post-production work for About Face Media.

Mastering rates will remain the same for 2017. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and discuss your next project. Mix consultation is something that included in the cost of your project as well.

CLICK HERE to view the current mastering rates, options, and to submit a project.

Watch for a new Mystery Room website sometime in early(ish) 2017 and use of the new logo design by Steve Kodis.
