Mastering Project Cost Calculator

Project Variables


As you fill out the form, view your running total below in red. Click on a icon to view more detailed information for each option. After submitting the form, you will be taken to a page to upload your audio files, if needed.

Included with the base mastering cost is a DDP file for CD production, 24-bit/high sample rate WAV files for most digital distribution needs, 16-bit/44.1k sample rate WAV files for CD Baby digital distribution, and reference mp3 files tagged with metadata (and artwork if available).

Need Help?

If you have any questions or issues filling out this form, please send an email and we will respond ASAP.

If you need multiple singles mastered at one time, please use the simpler Single Song Mastering Page.

  • add:
  • add:

  • (a DDP master for CD production is included in the base cost)
    (Apple Music, Spotify, Qobuz, TIDAL, Bandcamp, etc.)
    24-bit/High Sample Rate vinyl pre-master prepped for vinyl manufacturing

    Specially formatted for cassette manufacturing

  • add:





  • add:
Your Information
  • Additional Email Address (for other parties that should also receive master files for approval):

  • Project Info
  • Song Titles / Order and ISRC codes (if you are providing codes):

    Please use correct titles and punctuation, as this is what will be embedded as your CD-Text and metadata. Please don’t use ALL CAPS for titles and names unless that is how you would like them to be displayed.

    1. ISRC:
  • I will send my files via the Mystery Room Mastering Upload Page.
    (Selecting this option will direct you to an upload page after you submit this form.)
    I will provide a direct download link to my files now.
    I will send my files at a later time, or they are coming from another person.
  • Maintain or conserve original dynamic range.
    Find the sweet spot.
    Make it loud!
  • Tight Spacing
    Standard Spacing
    Extended Spacing
    No Additional Space Needed
  • File Organization Tips

    Make a single zip file containing all of your audio files as well as a jpg of the front cover art (if available). Upload it via the Mystery Room Mastering upload page which you’ll be taken to after you submit this form (if you chose that option).

    If you’re providing a direct link to your audio, please use an easy file sharing service such as Dropbox or WeTransfer that doesn’t require that an account be created to retrieve the files. Please provide a single link to download all files in one click instead of having to download one file at a time.

    Please name your zip file or folder with the artist name and version number such as ‘ArtistName_01’ or with a date code like ‘ArtistName_042019’. This will be helpful in case new files are needed mid-project.

    If somebody else is providing the audio files, please pass this info on to them. They can reference THIS PAGE if there are any questions.